“Those people are WILD!” said one monkey to another.

It’s really hard to tell who enjoyed those bananas more, the capuchin monkeys eating them or the men sharing them!  Gerardo gave us a break from fishing, docked by an island and the following ensued:

Word got out and the mono titís joined the party! It amazes me how gentle they were as they helped themselves to bits of bananas. Monkeys like these skitter through the trees outside our house almost every morning! How lucky are we??

Not to be left out, here came a howler monkey. It’s hard to believe the amount of racket these fellows make. They sound like huge gorillas!  This one quietly snacked without complaint. He makes me think a tail might come in handy. 

 “This place is WILD!” said one person to another.

“I hear they taste like chicken,” said the caimen of the people at the end of the trail. “Hey, Ed’s boots look like cousin Vinnie!!” 😳

“Holy Cats!” said the people of the 
caimen at the end of the trail.

“You look thirsty. Have a beer!” said the neighbors.

So we did! 


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