Put Your Pants On!

Put Your Pants On! It happened too fast. The month is gone and it’s time to put pants on. The above view has been replaced with this view: We are having rainforest withdrawals, remembering when morning coffee looked like this: with Clawd, the iguana and the agoutis’ playing tag in the garden. Since returning, It HAS been good to hear the voices of family members and catch up with friends. Colorado IS a pretty good place to be. I feel a sense of responsibility to those of you who have read the posts on this blog and might be contemplating a trip to Panama. We would most definitely encourage anyone to embark on this adventure but with eyes wide open. Like everywhere one goes, there are a few unpleasant elements for which to be ready: Mosquitoes and Mysterious Bitey Bugs: Don’t forget the bug spray. Panamanian mosquitoes are sneaky! Often we had no idea we were being snacks for the little buggers but would spend the evenings itching and applying ...